The Mask and Mirror

A website for the D&D Greyhawk campaign setting

"Would you like my mask
Would you like my mirror
cries the man in the shadowing hood.
you can look at yourself
you can look at each other
or you can look at the face of your God." ~from "Marrakesh Night Market"
by Loreena McKennitt


Honor, chivalry, valor, courage, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. These are the hallmarks of the Greyhawk campaign setting. I've only recently discovered the world of Oerth, but I was immediately captivated by its power. The source material paints an amazing picture of the world and its inhabitants. I could picture myself being there, something I couldn't do in other game worlds. Somehow, when playing Forgotten Realms for example, I knew I was entering a world that could only exist in a movie. The world of Oerth, though, gave me a fantasy world with just enough reality to make me feel at home.

I was suprised by how few Greyhawk world sites are out here. I thought building one of my own was the least I could do. Enjoy.

Update 5/11/02: School's out for summer! And we'e all moved in to our summer home. The hard work of moving everything here from the 'Berg site is done. Now all that's left is to get started on some new material.


Holy symbols of the Greyhawk deities I particularly had difficulty finding pictures of the holy symbols, so I thought I'd definitely include them here. These are the symbols of common and suloise deities.

 The Priesthood of Lydia Learn about the church of the Suel goddess Lydia.  Written in Faiths and Avatars format.

 Stankaster's Tower  Read the history of the abode of this wizardly rival of Zigig the mad, then enter, if you dare.

 Spells and magic  See what magical secrets have been recently uncovered, including new spells from Stankaster himself, as well as spells from less well-known wizards.

 If a kender lived in Greyhawk If you want a few laughs, check out some of the things I think one of the irrepresible beings known as kender might have to say if he found himself in the world of Oerth.

 Summoners of Trithereon Read about this new prestige class for clerics of Trithereon.

 Domain listing This is a list of several new domains from the Forgotten Realms Guidelines online document, and how they can be used on Oerth.

 the cult of Zagyg Learn the secrets of the worshippers of the mad archmage here!

 young kingdoms The new section featuring material for The Dragon Lords of Melnibone game setting.

 Links My collection of links to other Greyhawk and non-Greyhawk sites.

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