The Priesthood of Lydia

Lydia, lesser power of Elysium, NG
(mistress of music, lady of light)
Aliases: none
Portfolio: music, knowledge, daylight
Superior: none
Allies: Pelor, Celestian, Fharlanghn, Jascar, Phaulkon
Foes: Wee Jas, Beltar, Pyremius, Syrul, Iuz
Symbol: golden hand with rays of light emanating from it.
Favored weapon: morning star
Worshipper's alignment: LG, NG, CG

*note: most of this information is from the supplement Scarlet Brotherhood, pages 12 and 83-84, and modified into the format below by me.  Please don't sue me WotC.

Lydia is the Suloise goddess of music, knowledge, and daylight.  She appears as a dymanic old suel woman, with long white hair and clear blue eyes, wearing a white robe trimmed in gold and silver.  She is not the goddess of the sun, but merely the light that is created by the sun.  She is allied with the sun god Pelor however.

Lydia is favored by musicians, bards, sages, and women seeking fame.  Her followers are well-liked and respected in many civilized lands of the Flanaess.  In the Scarlet Brotherhood lands, Lydia's followers are forced to spread the messages of racial supremacy and the picture of the Suloise as a repressed race.

Lydia is closely allied with Pelor, god of the sun.  She also has ties with Celestian and Fharlanghn.  Lydia's priests often travel with priests of the brother deities.  Finally, she supports her fellow Suel gods Jascar and Phaulkon in their efforts to aid the cause of good.   She is an enemy of the evil Suel deities, primarily Wee Jas, Beltar, Pyremius, and Syrul.  She is also an enemy of Iuz, as are most good-aligned deities.

Lydia's church

clergy: clerics, specialty priests, bards (note: specialty priests don't exist as yet in 3rd edition rules)
Clergy's alignment: LG, NG, CG, N
turn undead: C: yes, SP: yes, B: no
command undead: C: no, Sp: no, B: no

Small shrines to Lydia appear in many towns and cities.  One such shrine is adjacent to the temple of Pelor in the City of Greyhawk.  Lydia's clergy features clerics, specialty priests and bards, many of whom are female.

Services at Lydia's church are always held in the morning.  The service consists primarily of singing hymns, telling tales of heroism, and sharing tidbits of knowledge.  Many adventurers attend these services to learn about potential adventuring sites to explore.

Priests of Lydia are known as hymnmasters, a term used for either males or females.  Of all her worshippers, 60% are human, 30% are half-elven, and 10% are elven.  Of the human flock, 50% are suel, 30% are oeridian, and 20% are flan.  The ratio of female to male worshippers is 75/25, which is about the same ratio as in the clergy.  The clergy is comprised of 50% clerics, 30% specialty priests, and 20% bards.

Dogma:  All persons, whether male or female, rich or poor, young or old, deserve the benefits of education and music.  Strive to always share these gifts with whoever desires to have them.  Enjoy the blessings of the daylight, and be on guard against creatures of darkness.

Day-to-day activities: Lydia's clergy often travel, spreading the knowledge they have learned from town to town.  They also spend time teaching people how to read and play music, especially women and children.  They are required to help any woman who wishes to have an education.

Holy days/important ceremonies: when praying for spells, clergy must give updates on what they have learned, which means they must take an extra 30 minutes to pray for spells.  Wealsun 15 is the longest day of the year, with 15 hours of daylight.  The clergy of Lydia spend the entire day in a festival of music and talespinning.

Major centers of worship: City of Greyhawk

Affiliated orders: none

Priestly vestments: During services, priests wear white robes trimmed with silver and gold.  Higher-ranking priests have more elaborate trimmings on their robes.

Adventuring garb: priests will wear clothes or armor appropriate to the adventure.  They often wear their holy symbols on a necklace, and trim their armor with silver.

Specialty priests (hymnmasters) [2nd edition rules]

requirements: wisdom 9, intelligence 11, charisma 12
prime req: wisdom
alignment: NG
weapons: as cleric
armor: as cleric
major spheres: all, astral, charm, divination, healing, protection, summoning
minor spheres: elemental (all), travelers
magic items: as clerics and any musical instruments
required proficiencies: none
bonus proficiencies: musical instrument (pick any two)

3rd edition rules

domains: good, knowledge, sun
favored weapon: morning star
special: clerics of Lydia may take perform as a class skill

Prestige Class: The Ladies of Lydia

The Ladies of Lydia are a special order of followers of the goddess.  You can call them a specialty priest if you want, but they don't have to be clerics, as you'll see.  To join the Ladies of Lydia, a worshipper must show strong faith by undertaking special quests, donating to the poor on a regular basis, opposing the forces that threaten innocent people (slavers, evil organizations, etc.)  and so forth.  The candidate must make a petition to her temple to sponsor her.  The clergy will then send the candidate on a dangerous mission, possibly to recover a church artifact or to rescue a cleric being held prisoner by the forces of evil.  Should the candidate succeed, and all of the priests at the sponsoring church agree, the candidate is admitted into the order.

In addition to the requirements mentioned above, a candidate for this prestige class must meet the following criteria:
Gender: female
Alignment: any good
Base attack bonus: +5 or greater
Weapon proficiency: morningstar
Skills: knowledge (religion and another skill of player's choice) 10 ranks in each.
Special: must worship Lydia (obviously)
class level attack bonus fort save ref save will save special spells
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Morningstar specialization +1 level
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 +1 level
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 morningstar smite +1 level
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 +1 level
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 +1 level
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 holy light +1 level
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 morningstar enhancement +1 level
8 +6 +6 +2 +6 magic circle against evil +1 level
9 +6 +6 +3 +6 morningstar disruption +1 level
10 +7 +7 +3 +7 damage reduction 10/+1 +1 level

Class skills: bluff, concentration, craft, diplomacy, heal, knowledge (all skills), perform, profession,
scry, sense motive, spellcraft

Skill points per level: 2 + int modifier

Class features
spells: Ladies of Lydia don't gain spells simply from taking the class, but they may add their prestige class level to levels of any spellcasting class they may already have.  For example, a 7th-level cleric/1st level Lady of Lydia could cast spells as an 8th level cleric.  This applies whether the character casts mage spells or cleric spells.  If the character has more than one spellcasting class, she has to choose which class to add the level to (ex. a 6th level cleric/4th level wizard who becomes a 1st level Lady of Lydia would have to choose whether to apply her level to the cleric class, letting her cast spells as a 7th level cleric/4th level wizard, or to her wizard class, making her a level 6/5 cleric/wizard for spellcasting purposes.)

Turning undead: If a Lady of Lydia has a class that lets her turn undead, she may add her prestige class level to her other class level for turning undead checks.  (ex. a 7th level cleric/1st level Lady could turn as an 8th level cleric.

Morningstar bonuses: Ladies of Lydia receive special powers when wielding a morningstar, Lydia's favored weapon.  At 1st level, Ladies of Lydia receive weapon focus with the morningstar (if they do not have it already) and weapon specialization.  At third level, once per day, Ladies of Lydia may add their prestige class level to their damage bonus when attacking an evil opponent with a morningstar.  The player must announce the character's intention to use the smite before the attack roll is made.  If the opponent is not evil, the smite is used for the day.  At 7th level, Ladies of Lydia may strike with a normal morningstar as if it had a +1 enhancement bonus for purposes of hitting creatures that have damage reduction.  At 9th level, any morningstar in the hands of a Lady of Lydia becomes a morningstar of disruption.  If the Lady hits an undead creature with the morningstar, the creature must make a fortitude save (DC 14) or be destroyed.

Holy light: At 6th level: the Lady of Lydia can create an effect identical to the daylight spell once per day.

Magic circle against evil: At 8th level, the Lady of Lydia is permanently protected by an effect of the spell of the same name.

Damage reduction: at 10th level, the Lady of Lydia receives the gift of protection from her matron.  She gains damage reduction 10/+1

Lydian spells

Song of Repulsion
Level: cleric or bard 2
Components: V
Casting time (3rd edition): 1 action
Casting time (2nd edition): 2
range: personal
effect: 15 foot radius centered on caster
duration: 1 minute/level (d)
saving throw(3rd edition): will negates
saving throw (2nd edition): vs spell negates

With only the singing of a few notes, the caster creates a shimmering wall of white light in a 15-foot radius centered on himself.  Living creatures may move in and out of this wall normally.  Undead creatures are unable to pass through the wall unless they make a will saving throw (or a save vs. spell.)  The spell is only effective against undead with hit dice equal or less than the caster's level.  The wall works both ways, undead must save to either move into or out of the area of effect.  Note that the effect is always centered on the caster, so turning attempts cannot be maintained on undead within the area of effect.

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