The Young Kingdoms

Welcome to the new section for the world of Elric and the Young Kingdoms.  Source material for this campaign can be found in the book Dragon Lords of Melnibone by Chaosium inc.  Unfortuneately, since I'm still quite new to this setting, there's not much here right now.  I'll have more stuff once I'm more familiar with the setting.

New spells

Mabelode's Reprisal

This spell originates from the lands of Melnibone and the Young Kingdoms.  The Lords of Chaos frequently arm their devotees with new magical powers with which to crush their eternal foes, the Lords of Law.  The following is a spell frequently employed by followers of the war god Mabelode.

Mabelode's Reprisal (transmutation)
level: cleric 3, druid 3
components: v,s,df
casting time: 1 action
range: personal
target: you
duration: 1 round per level

This spell fills the cleric with the powers of wrath and vengeance.  If the cleric takes damage from a melee attack while the spell is in effect, his next attack against that foe can be made with a +2 bonus to hit.  If the attack succeeds, the cleric adds double his strength modifier (if positive) to the damage roll.  The bonuses only apply if the cleric attacks the foe who injured him, and the cleric must make an attack on his next action in order to receive the bonuses.  Ranged attacks are unaffected by this spell.

note: The spell originated in the cult of Mabelode, but in the time since this spell's inception, it has passed on to other churches and cults throughout the world.

Theril's Insight (divination)

lvl: bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, paladin 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
components: v,s,m,df
casting time: 1 action
range: touch
target: creature touched
duration: 1 hour
saving throw: will negates (harmless)
spell resistance: yes (harmless)

Theril, Lord of Inspiration, can give her followers additional prowess with their divination spells, such that knowledge of things hidden can be revealed far more easier than usual.  While the spell is in effect, the range of all spells with the word "detect" in them are doubled, and the caster does not need to concentrate to maintain them.  Any detect spells cast while this spell is in effect will therefore last the full listed duration given in that spell's description.

Material component (arcane spellcasters only): a small stone inscribed with the four directions of the compass (like you would see on a map).

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