
All links have been verified as "unbroken" as of 2/11/02. If you find a broken link, e-mail me here. Wanna link to me? Use this banner:

Canonfire!!!!!  Ok, I know there's only one exclamation point in the actual page title. I put the extra ones in to tell you guys how much I LOVE this site!

 Defenders of the Muse D&D material for use in any game setting.  Has a variant of one of my PrCs. Shawn would be extremely pissed at me if I didn't link to his site.  This is the place to go if you prefer a touch of villainy in your games.

The RPG Consortium One of my favorite places to hang out and talk D&D on the web.  Go there, sign up, and sound off!!

Imrryr, The Dreaming City:  Allan Grohe's web site Just like my site, only a little bigger. Greyhawk and Young Kingdoms stuff can be found here.

The Greytalk mailing list archive Need to know something you can't find on any of these sites? Look here.

 Dreadwood This site is run by a group of longtime D&D players.  They have a library of info on GH and GH downloadables.

 castle greyhawk Loads of good GH stuff, what more can I say?  :-)  This is also where I found a bunch of the following links. The name says it all boys and girls, this is Greyhawk creator Gary Gygax's personal site.

 the codex of greyhawk This is a very well-known GH site with great info.

 Gord's Greyhawk more than you ever wanted to know about GH.  Oh wait, that's impossible isn't it?

 Treasures of the Flanaess even more good stuff for ya.  ;)

Andrew's Game Page House rules for Greyhawk, as well as some other RPG settings.

Irongate 3E Loaded with good info, and updated often. Take a peek!

The World of Greyhawk A mostly 2E Greyhawk site maintained by Russ Taylor.

More links to come, and I'll attempt to verify that my links are good periodically.

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