Summoners of Trithereon

The "Sacred Sons and Daughters" of the god Trithereon, god of freedom and liberty, are not exactly the most popular clerics around. Altough they are good aligned, they are extremely anit-authority, and have a hard time getting along in cities with a strong lawful tendency, such as the City of Greyhawk.  There, clerics of Trithereon frequently run afoul of clerics of lawful gods such as Pholtus, St. Cuthbert, and Heironeous, not to mention the members of Greyhawk's city watch.

A select few clerics and worshippers of Trithereon are selected for admission into a special order of the church.  This group battles evil and oppression wherever they find it.  This group is called the Summoners.

alignments: CG, NG, CN
spellcasting: ability to cast first level divine spells
attack bonus: +4
feats: weapon focus (any one of the following: shortspear, longsword, greatclub), alertness, extend spell
Knowledge (religion): 6 ranks
Special: must worship Trithereon (duh)

hit dice: d8

class skills: bluff, concentraion, craft, diplomacy, heal, knowledge (all skills), listen, profession, search, sense motive, spot, swim

skill points at each level: 4 + int mod

class features: Summoners of Trithereon are proficient in the use of all armor and sheilds, and all simple and martial weapons.

extend summoning: at 1st level, Summoners of Trithereon can cast any conjuration spell with the summoning descriptor as if it was prepared with the extend spell feat, without using up a higher level spell slot.

Celestial familiar: At 2nd level, the Summoner can call forth a celestial version of any of the familiars listed for the wizard or sorcerer.  Calling a celestial familiar costs 500 gp and takes 2 days.

free movement: At fourth level, The Summoner can create an affect identical to a freedom of movement spell, usable on himself or a creature he touches.  This is a spell like ability which lasts 1 round per level, usable once per day.

double summoning: at 6th level, the Summoner doubles the amount of creatures he summons when casting a summon moster spell.

Master summons: At 8th level, the Summoner can steal control of creatures an enemy spellcaster has summoned.  To do this, the Summoner and the enemy spellcaster make opposed caster level checks.  The Summoner adds his wis modifier to the check; the enemy spellcaster adds his key spellcasting modifier (wis for clerics, int for wizards, cha for sorcerers, etc.)  If the Summoner wins the check, he assumes control of the creatures the other spellcaster had summoned.

Pursuit rune: Once per day, the Summoner can create a weapon of mystical force in the shape of the rune of pursuit, Trithereon's holy symbol.  This weapon can be thrown out to medium range (100 ft + 10 ft per PrC level).  When it lands, it explodes as a fireball, dealing 10d6 points of damage (reflex DC 20 for half.)  Lawful, evil, and undead creatures are especially vulnerable, suffering 10d8 points of damage.

Spellcasting: Summoners continue their magic training as they advance in PrC level.  Each time they advance, Summoners receive +1 level to any divine spellcasting class they have.

Turn undead: Summoners can turn undead as can clerics.  Further, Summoner levels stack with cleric levels for purposes of turning checks

Summoner Class Table
level  attack bonus   fortitude save   reflex save  will save      special
1             +0                    +0                +0             +2          extend summoning
2             +1                    +0                +0             +3          celestial familiar
3             +2                    +1                +1             +3
4             +3                    +1                +1             +4          free movement
5             +3                    +1                +1             +4
6             +4                    +2                +2             +5         double summoning
7             +5                    +2                +2             +5
8             +6                    +2                +2             +5         master summoning
9             +6                    +3                +3             +6
10           +7                    +3                +3             +7        pursuit rune

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