Spells and Magic

Deep inside Stankaster's tower, you find a single scroll on the floor of what appears to be a small library.  You begin to study, casting a read magic to decipher the old mage's terrible handwriting.  You barely have time to start reading it over when a clay golem rears its head at you.  Apparently Stankaster didn't like people reading his scrolls without his permission, because the magical automaton is making its way towards you, its powerful arms outstretched.  The scroll you have is something he calls an "extension" spell.  It's worth a shot, you think, and you begin reading.  As you finish, you can feel magical power surging through your arms, making them go numb.  When you look at them you find they've grown twice as long, long enough to reach the ceiling.  You reach up, grab hold of the top of a nearby support pillar, and pull yourself safely out of the golem's grasp.

This is just one possible use of the "Stankaster's Extension" spell.  Stankaster developed this, and other more combat-oriented spells during his confinement in the bottom of the tower.  Here, you'll find some of those spells, and other spells developed by less-notorius wizards.

1st level spells

School (3rd edition rules): Enchantment (compulsion) (mind-affecting)
School (2nd edition rules): Enchantment/charm
Components: V,S
casting time (3rd ed.): 1 action
casting time (2nd ed.): 1
Range: personal or touch
Target: creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Duration(2nd ed.): 1 turn/level
Save (3rd ed.): will negates (harmless)
Save (2nd ed): vs. spell, negates

This spell allows the recipient (either the caster or a creature touched) to focus his mind on a certain endeavor.  This allows him to add a +2 bonus to his skill checks to a skill of his choice (or a proficiency in 2nd edition) for the duration of the spell.  At first level, this usually allows the recipient to complete one moderately difficult task.  At later levels, he may complete more difficult tasks or even multiple tasks with the benefit of the spell.

High Impact

Stankaster's Acid Touch
School (3rd ed.): transmutation
School (2nd ed.): alteration
components: V,S,M
CT (3rd ed): 1 action
CT (2nd ed): 2
Range: personal
Dur (3rd ed): 1 minute/level
Dur (2nd ed): 5 rounds/level
Save (3rd ed): reflex half
Save (2nd ed): vs spell, half

Stankaster loved spells dealing with acid.  The spell Melf's Acid Arrow is written in Stankaster's spellbooks as Stankaster's Acid Arrow.  This spell allowed Stankaster to deliver acid attacks by touch.  A successful bare-handed melee attack while this spell is in effect will deliver 1d6 points of acid damage to the target (a reflex save halves damage.)  If the acid is not neutralized or otherwise removed in the next round, it causes another 1d6 points of damage.  After the second round, all of the acid has reacted, and no further damage is taken.  The caster can make as many acid touch attacks as he can during the given duration.  The material component is a drop of acid.

Stankaster's Extension
School (3rd ed): transmutation
School (2nd ed): alteration
Components: V, S
CT (3rd ed): 1 action
CT: (2nd ed): 1
Range: personal or touch
target: creature touched
Dur(3rd ed): 1 minute/level
Dur(2nd ed): 5 rounds/level
Save (3rd ed): fortitude negates (harmless)
Save (2nd ed.): vs spell, negates

Stankaster never learned the unseen servant spell, but he still didn't want to bother getting up from his desk to retrieve books, spell components, or the like.  Thus, he created a spell which allowed him to extend his limbs at will.  The creature affected by this spell (the caster or a creature touched) my extend his arms, his legs, or even his neck at will, instantaneously.  He may also shorten his limbs to their normal length at any time.  The maximum amount that the recipient can strectch his limbs is 100% plus 50 % per caster level above 1st.  Creatures without limbs or with amorphous bodies (oozes, elementals, and so on.) cannot be affected by this spell.

2nd level spells

Spark Blast
School: evocation
Components: V,S,M
CT (3rd ed): 1 action
CT (2nd ed): 2
Range: 100 feet + 10 feet per level
Target: 1 creature
Dur: instantaneous
Save (3rd ed): reflex half
Save (2nd ed): vs spell, half

This spell allows the caster to shoot a crackling ball of electricity at a single target.  The spell always hits, as does a Magic Missile.  It delivers 1d4 points of damage per level to the target, who may make a reflex save (or save vs spell) for half damage.  Enemies in metal armor suffer 1d6 points of damage per level and they save at a -1 penalty.  Creatures immune to electricity take no damage.  The material components are a small glass rod and a bit of fur.

4th level spells

Stankaster's Acid Puke
School: evocation
Components: V,S,M
CT(3rd ed): 1 action
CT(2nd ed): 4
Range: 25 feet + 5 feet/ 2 levels
Effect: stream of acid 5 feet wide, extending to the maximum range of the spell
Dur (both editions): 1 round/level
Save (3rd ed): fortitude half
Save (2nd ed): vs spell. half

One of the mainstays of Stankaster's arsenal.  This spell allows the caster to vomit forth a stream of highly corrosive acid at nearby enemies.  Though the range is short, the effects are powerful.  Creatures caught in the stream take 2d8 points of damage immediately (a successful save halves damage.)  Unless the acid is washed off or neutralized, it continues to deliver 1d8 points of damage each round thereafter for the duration of the spell.  Creatures may save each round to halve this additionall damage.  The material component is a flask of acid that actually must be drank by the caster, dealing 1d6 points of damage to himself.

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