Stankaster's Tower

To the east of the City of Greyhawk stands an old abandoned tower.  Great ivy tendrils over 6 inches in diameter stretch their way almost all the way up the 10-story tall spire.  Few adventuring parties have made their way out to the tower, those that had have reported no apparent entrance to the tower at ground level.  There are some windows near the top, but any attempts to climb the spire have failed.  The walls allegedly have some sort of magical protection which prevents any attempt to climb the structure.  Spider Climb and similar spells fail as soon as a person lays a hand on the wall, pitons and climbing spikes cannot be hammered in, and even the best thieves cannot get a good grip on the seemingly-ordinary gray stone.  Attempts to fly to the top of the tower via magic also fail, as a wall of magical energy appears just before the flyer can reach the windows, extending all the way down to the tower's foundation.  With no apparent way to enter the tower, adventurers have ignored the spire, until now.

History: Zagig Yragerne, the mad archmage and former lord mayor of the City of Greyhawk, had many rivals in life.  One such rival was a man named Stankaster.  The two studied magic together when they were young, but their lives would take them in different directions.  Zagig, though eccentric, was always good at heart.  Stankaster was cold, humorless, and utterly evil.  He had plans to dominate the central Flanaess, enslaving those he deemed weaker (nearly everyone) and allowing himself and a few of his associates (easily controlled or tempted henchmen) a life of privelige.  Of ultimate importance was to prove that he was more powerful than Zagig.  He dreamed of the day when he would establish his empire, when he would parade Zagig naked through the streets and torture him before raising his head on a pole.  Stankaster sealed himself inside his great tower east of Greyhawk City, researching the spells he would need to combat Zagig and his mighty city.  The evil wizard was a perfectionist, and he created scores of spells, trying endlessly to create the one spell that would guarantee him the victory he sought so desperately.  The few that know of Stankaster will tell that one night, while researching, his foul heart finally gave out, and he slumped over at his desk, never to pick up a writing quill again.

DMs notes: Stankaster's delusions of grandeur were closely paralleled by his paranoia of attack from invaders, specifically forces from the City of Greyhawk.  He protected his great tower with magical force fields which would prevent anyone from gaining access to the tower via climbing, flight, or teleportation.  The only way to gain access, which PCs will have to discover on their own, is to carry any magical item created by Zagig, or a holy item of the demigod Zagyg.  Stankaster was a believer in reverse psychology, believing that no one would guess that one of his rival's posessions was the only way to enter the tower.  The item is consumed by magical flame (which is harmless) and the defensive spells will lower for a short time, probably 3d10 minutes.  Even then, the PCs must still gain access to the upper window or have teleportation capability.  Once inside, they will find themselves on a great spiral staircase leading below ground.  Stankaster's labyrinth lies beneath a trapdoor at the base of the tower.  The mazelike tunnel holds many rooms containing many golems, failed magical experiments, numerous scraps of paper and books, most of which are nonmagical.  The tunnels and rooms are laden with magical and nonmagical traps of all sorts.  If a group lasts long enough, they may find a small treasure trove, but Stankaster's main study and treasure chambers are far more well-hidden.  The guardians and traps near the study are unknown, and Stankaster's spirit may even still roam the dark halls.

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